The journey to the greatest 32days of fun started yesterday with the lighting ceremony of a huge 35feet beautifully decorated christmas tree.The calabar festival and carnival has now become a fixture in nigeria's tourism calander.The festival has grown to become a hall mark event.A hall mark event is a symbol of quality or authenticity which distinguishes good or pertain to a distinctive feature.The calabar festival has achieved a high level of awareness and reputation.This festival is a platform for great discoveries,are u still wondering if you have got talent? 

Last night was a creative combination of hip-hop.The ship sailed last night at the tree lighting ceremony with rib creaking moment with comedian GORDONS aka comedian of the federal republic (CFR) what a great way to start the 32days long calabar festival,
Yesterday was fun,calabar are you ready..................the fireworks in d air last night was unlimited funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
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